Wednesday 7 December 2011

Jesus Christ and floosy...

The title descibes a small but funny part of my day. On my arrival home from work, I thought I was clever I spotted the JW's and waited in the car and as there backs were turned, I outshone Linford Christies record breaking sprint or at least I thought I had *knock knock knock* followed by me *FFS*.. Well blow me they must have spotted me at 1000 paces, they were back! I don't mind each to there own but Im dead set against people flogging things at others front doors and that includes religion. Anyway after 2 minutes of wondering when they were going to give into the bitter cold, out came the magazine with them asking *where do I think Jesus Christ is now* apart from being tempted to say DEAD and if he has any sense, he will be wrapped up indoors in this weather. All I could say was *Thankyou very much I will give this to my daughter who is doing RE in school*.. Now Im not one to second guess but I think the Tickets to see the Saturday's will be 100 times more popular, than 30 pages of the condensed bible. Gone for now but my neighbour informs me they were discussing sex the other day and they ask me where I think Jesus is?? Totally unfair!

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